Wednesday 4 February 2009

How to say "the"

This is where it all starts to get a bit tricky.

The Swedes don't have a word for "the" - instead they put either "ett" or "en" at the end of the word.

So if I was saying "the lift" they would write "liften" but the word for lift is "hiss" so it would be "hissen."

That's easy. But where it gets hard is knowing when to put "en" and when to put "ett"

You use "en" if the noun is common gender and "ett" if it is neuter gender - But it isn't easy to know which words are common and which are neuter.

I ask Malin and even she says there is no way of actually knowing, you just have to pick it up through listening and speaking Swedish.


I've also learnt to count to twelve! Which is fitting because in "tolv" days I shall be in stockholm!


  1. What time are you actually getting here?
    It totally sucks that I wont see you, so am thinking about forcing cc to bring you to my place for a quick drink or so while I´m packing!

  2. And PS, there are ways of knowing... run this through your translateing thingy

  3. Excellent, shall be there in plenty of time to have a drink with you before you leave!

    Thanks for the link - the translator hasn't done a great job with it so shall get Malin to go through it with me :)

  4. Hello,

    I've posted links to your blog from and


    Jeffrey Dean

  5. Trevlig blogg du skriver! Blir lite nyfiken - vart i Sverige ska du flytta?

    Nice blog you are writing! I´m getting a bit curious - where in Sweden are you moving?

    / Johan, Gothenburg

  6. Tack sa mycket. Jag flytta till stockholm. I have friends there, and I like the city
